2025 Products & Price List
All prices per cubic yard, tax included & only at Better Earth
Different organic ingredients are blended and processed into a rich, organic compost. This compost adds organic matter and loosens tight soils, making it ideal for flower gardens, vegetable gardens, yards, trees, and bushes.
1/4 inch Turf Mix Compost $68.00
1/2 inch Compost $52.00
Better Earth Compost Bag $9.00
Aromatic Eastern Red Cedar $64.00
100% Eastern Red Cedar with a high oil content to help repel insects. A reddish tan color will fade to a light tan. If stirred or turned, the reddish color comes back. Long lasting, use 3 to 4 inches when mulching the first time. Add 1 to 2 inches yearly to keep beds fresh and attractive and help repel insects.
Hardwood Mulch $45.00
Double-shredded hardwood, aged to a dark brown. Helps retain moisture and suppress weeds. 3 to 4 inches when mulching the first time. 1 to 2 inches yearly to keep beds fresh.
Dyed Mulch $50.00
Brown Dyed Mulch
Black Dyed Mulch
Red Dyed Mulch
Pine Bark Fines $79.00
Finely ground (3/4 inch minus) pine bark. Great for acidic-loving plants. Dark brown to black in color. 3 to 4 inches when mulching the first time, 1 to 2 inches to keep beds fresh.
Garden Mix $54.00
Our unique blend of Better Earth Compost and sandy loam topsoil is "shovel ready" for your garden project. Great for raised beds, filling in holes, or wherever you need to add soil.
Topsoil $48.00
Rich black humus soil.
Disposal Rates
Yard waste/Ton $180
leaves, grass, tree trimmings, brush, and limbs under 4 inches.
Wood waste/Ton $130
Small tree bases 4-8 inches. If yard waste is mixed with wood waste, it will be charged as yard waste.
Logs&Stumps/Ton $71
logs 8 inches or greater in diameter and no longer than 10ft, stumps must have dirt removed.
Yard waste Bag/ $2
No plastic bags allowed
55 Gal trash can/$2
65 Gal trash can/$3
95 Gal trash can/$4
There is a minimum $10 fee for driving over the scale. Checks are made payable to Better Earth Compost.